The Supreme Symphony – Parshas Vayelech
A number of years ago I had the good fortune to attend a concert at Carnegie Hall. The experience was almost overwhelming. Having grown up in the Midwest, I had never been to a concert hall that even approached Carnegie Hall in sheer size and beauty. The concert showcased many Jewish music stars whose music […]
Just Say No – Parshas KiSeitzei
The words parents hate to hear…"But Ma, all the other kids have it!"  (Spoken in an appropriately whining, nagging tone.)  Parents hate to hear it because it is so effective. We can't seem to say “no."  But it’s ultimately to our child's, and society's, detriment. This week’s Torah portion discusses the Rebellious Child, one who […]
The Key To Successful Mountain Climbing – Parshas Shoftim
In this week's Torah portion, Shoftim, Moshe commands the Jewish people: "You shall not erect for yourselves a monument (matzeivah) which Hashem, your G-d , hates." In the biblical lexicon, a monument is defined as an altar made of a single stone. In his classic commentary, Rashi contrasts this verse with another elsewhere in the […]
Mommy, Are We There Yet? – Parshas Re’eh
The summer is quickly slipping by, and in a few short weeks the new school (and Jewish) year will be upon us. Many have taken some time off for a well-deserved vacation to recharge their “batteries”. For families traveling with younger (and perhaps even older) children, the most common – and probably most annoying – […]
A Thousand Fold or Like the Dust
Saying farewell is never easy, all the more so for people who have been together for many years, through thick and thin, and have developed a strong relationship. This week’s Torah portion, Devarim, commences Moses’s farewell speech to the Jews. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for Moses to bid farewell to […]
Coming Home Leaving Home – Parshas Maasei
I write these words from somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, as I return home to New Jersey from a week-long trip to Israel. But am I really returning home? On the one hand the answer is a resounding yes. I long to reunite with my wonderful family back in NJ, can't wait to get back […]
Spilled Milk? – Parshas Behaaloscha
Does the expression “Don’t cry over spilled milk” sound familiar? This is among the most common refrains in parenting. But at times I wonder, what if the “milk” would have been of great value…would this adage still apply? An interesting incident is recorded in this week’s Torah portion, Bahaloscha. Two years after the Jews had […]
Hall of Fame Career – Parshas Pinchos
Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees has joined the elite 3,000-hit club, and in doing so has secured his spot in baseball’s Hall of Fame. Baseball, perhaps more than any other sport, is a game of statistics – batting average, on-base percentage, number of home runs, walks, strikeouts... and yes, number of hits. To reach the coveted […]