Summary of Parshas Ki Seitzei
Parshas Ki Saitzai focuses primarily on a variety of interpersonal relationships and the need to be sensitive to the feelings of others. The portion opens with the intriguing case of the gentile woman who is captured in battle. The Torah then moves on to list a wide variety of mitzvos. It discusses the firstborn son's […]
Just Say No – Parshas KiSeitzei
The words parents hate to hear…"But Ma, all the other kids have it!"  (Spoken in an appropriately whining, nagging tone.)  Parents hate to hear it because it is so effective. We can't seem to say “no."  But it’s ultimately to our child's, and society's, detriment. This week’s Torah portion discusses the Rebellious Child, one who […]
A Is For Appreciation – Parshas Ki Saitzai