Summary of Parshas Shoftim
Parshas Shoftim underscores the vital role that law and order plays in Jewish life. The portion opens with the commandment to establish a judicial system in the Land of Israel.  Every city is to have courts and judges, as well as officers to enforce the decisions of the court.  A judge must treat all of […]
The Rules of War- Parshas Shoftim
“War is a necessary evil,” the saying goes. Rational people don’t seek to engage in war and go to battle only as a last resort. The Torah, in laying the foundation of Jewish jurisprudence, details the rules of war in this week’s portion. Among them are that the Jews must attempt a peaceful resolution first, […]
Our Brothers’ Keeper- Parshas Shoftim
A corpse. A corpse on Union Street, New Orleans. It is seven years later and I still cannot get the vision out of my mind. In the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the New York Times ran a story about a corpse that remained on the street for days, without anybody giving it much more […]
The Key To Successful Mountain Climbing – Parshas Shoftim
In this week's Torah portion, Shoftim, Moshe commands the Jewish people: "You shall not erect for yourselves a monument (matzeivah) which Hashem, your G-d , hates." In the biblical lexicon, a monument is defined as an altar made of a single stone. In his classic commentary, Rashi contrasts this verse with another elsewhere in the […]
The Flavor of Judaism – Parshas Shoftim