Summary of Parshas Balak
Parshas Balak opens with the story of Bilaam, the gentile prophet who was hired by Balak, King of Moab, to curse the Jews. When the Moabite’s king’s messengers arrived, Bilaam asked G-d permission to go.  Unable to restrain himself from all the money being offered, Bilaam disregard’s G-d’s word and travels with Balak’s messengers to […]
No History No Tomorrow – Parshas Balak
The story is told that Napoleon was walking through the streets of Paris one Tisha B'Av (the saddest day of the Jewish year; when Jews mourn the destruction of the first and second Temples). As his entourage passed a synagogue he heard wailing and crying coming from within; he sent an aide to inquire as […]
The Lonely Nation – Parshas Balak