Are you a self-serving Jew? – Parshas Chukas
This week's Torah portion, Chukas, features the law of the red heifer, which is considered the quintessential illogical law in the Torah. The ashes of the red heifer were used to purify one who was ritually impure, yet these very same ashes would defile one who started off in a state of ritual purity. Although […]
Summary of Parshas Chukas
Parshas Chukas begins by introducing us to the quintessential chok (a mitzvah whose meaning is not understood): The Red Heifer. The heifer was slaughtered and burned and its ashes were used to purify people who were tammei (impure), yet rendered the Priest who sprinkled them impure. The parsha then skips ahead thirty eight years to […]
Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Stick – Parshas Chukas
"I have always been fond of the West African proverb: Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. If I had not carried the big stick, the Organization would not have gotten behind me; and if I had yelled and blustered… I would not have had ten votes.” So wrote American President […]
Water – The Living Years
Imagine doing a strenuous workout outside on a ninety degree summer’s day. Workout was tough -- but you did it. You feel good. Invigorated. You go inside your house & you are thinking about one thing & one thing only – WATER. Water for a cold drink, water for a hot shower.  You open the […]