Lep’er n. One suffering from leprosy; outcast. (Webster’s Dictionary) Webster has it right. Indeed, as our Torah portion tells us (Numbers 4:2), a leper is both one who is suffering from leprosy and an outcast. Unique among other forms of impurity, leprosy causes a person to be sent completely outside the camp[i], all alone and […]
Habits of Highly Successful Jews- Parshas Mattos Maasei
For many, the name Stephen Covey will forever be synonymous with his highly acclaimed book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, one of the best selling self-help books of all time. Since its publication in 1989, over 25 million copies in 38 languages have been sold worldwide. It has become a must-read for almost […]
Monster Careers- Korach
There’s a well known story about a very successful entrepreneur who came across a simple fishermen. The entrepreneur inquired as to why this man was just sitting back and taking it easy, as opposed to being out in his boat catching more fish. The fisherman replied that he had caught enough for his needs that […]
Are you a self-serving Jew? – Parshas Chukas
This week’s Torah portion, Chukas, features the law of the red heifer, which is considered the quintessential illogical law in the Torah. The ashes of the red heifer were used to purify one who was ritually impure, yet these very same ashes would defile one who started off in a state of ritual purity. Although […]
Summary of Parshas Korach
Korach, a descendant of the Tribe of Levi, led a group of 250 people in a revolt against Moshe. His rebellion began after Moshe has appointed his brother Aaron as High Priest and a cousin as a leader of the Levites. This seemed like nepotism to Korach, as if Moshe was acting without G-d’s directive. […]
Summary of Parshas Chukas
Parshas Chukas begins by introducing us to the quintessential chok (a mitzvah whose meaning is not understood): The Red Heifer. The heifer was slaughtered and burned and its ashes were used to purify people who were tammei (impure), yet rendered the Priest who sprinkled them impure. The parsha then skips ahead thirty eight years to […]
Summary of Parshas Behaaloscha
The Torah, in previous portions, discussed how to set up the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and how the Jews should camp around it. In this week’s portion, Beha’aloscha, the Torah turns its attention to describing how the Jews actually functioned as a nation in the desert. Aaron, the High Priest, is commanded to light the Menorah, […]
Summary of Parsha Bamidbar
The book of Bamidbar (Numbers) chronicles the experience of the Jewish Nation during their forty-year odyssey in the desert. It first details how they were camped in the desert and then describes what occurred during that time, including the incident of the spies and Korach’s rebellion. Certain laws are also mentioned, such as the commandment […]
Summary of Parshas Balak
Parshas Balak opens with the story of Bilaam, the gentile prophet who was hired by Balak, King of Moab, to curse the Jews. When the Moabite’s king’s messengers arrived, Bilaam asked G-d permission to go. Unable to restrain himself from all the money being offered, Bilaam disregard’s G-d’s word and travels with Balak’s messengers to […]
The Sanctity of Speech – Parshas Mattos
When someone promises you that they are going to do something, you rightfully expect them top keep their word. In the event that they fail to do so, how would you describe their behavior – Dishonest? Corrupt? Insincere? Would you ever think of describing it as a “desecration” of their word? Probably not. Yet that’s […]