Parshas Emor begins by discussing the higher level of purity that the kohanim (priests), and especially the kohen gadol (high priest), are required to maintain. A kohen is not permitted to come into contact with a dead body (except for that of a close relative) or become tamei (impure) in any other way. Additionally, a kohen has certain restrictions when choosing a wife. A kohen who has a physical blemish is forbidden to perform the service in the Temple.
Terumah, the 2% of harvested grain that farmers gave kohanim, is discussed next. We are then warned not to desecrate G-d's name, but, on the contrary, to sanctify it.
The Torah then discusses Shabbat and the festivals of the year, followed by two laws relating to the mishkan (tabernacle): the commandments to light the menorah in the mishkan every single day and to display the lechem hapanim (showbread) at all times.