Positive Word Power Let’s go on the new roller coaster, The Cataclysm!” one boy suggests to the group. They are visiting an amusement park on Chol Hamoed and everyone is wildly in favor of his idea. Only David, the boy who fears heights, hangs back as they all make a dash to The Cataclysm’s long […]
Day 35 – What’s Hidden
Positive Word Power The Maharal teaches that every organ is designed to reflect its function. For instance, the eye is the only organ into which one can peer directly. One can see inside the eye because the eye’s purpose is to see. The speaking organs, on the other hand, are partly hidden and partly revealed. The lips […]
Day 34 – Free to Travel
Positive Word Powet I think if we take a left at that light, we’ll find the entrance to the highway,” the lost husband tells his skeptical wife. He makes the turn, travels a few miles, follows a sign to the highway, travels another few miles and, seeing no more signs to the highway, finally stops at a […]
Day 33 – Bursting Their Bubble
Positive Word Power The kids were practically climbing the walls,” Rabbi Abramson told his colleague, Rabbi Steinmetz. “You could tell in a second that it was the day before Pesach vacation. So I knew I had to do something radical to get things under control. All of a sudden, this story popped into my mind […]
Day 32 – “Well, What Do You Expect?”
Positive Word Power At 10:30 p.m., just a few moments after Aviva Gross had gratefully settled into her bed for a night’s sleep, the telephone rang. “Why do people call so late?” she complained to her husband as she grabbed the phone on her night table. “Hello? Yes, this is Aviva,” she confirmed wearily to […]
Day 31 – “Either-Or”
Positive Word Power How can you say you are a religious Jew when you eat without making a brachah?” Simcha asked his teenage brother, Moshe, who was hungrily attacking a plate of French fries. Moshe had just come back from six months at a special yeshivah for “kids at risk.” He had conquered his demons, […]
Day 30 –Fighting Phantoms
Positive Word Power Ilana transferred to a new high school in 10th grade. Many of the families in this school were quite wealthy. Only a few, like Ilana, attended on a scholarship and went home each night to a simple home and a simple life. While llana loved the school, she often felt that others must see […]
Day 29 – Under the Weather
Positive Word Power Then tickle in Yaakov’s throat grew more and more pronounced with each passing minute. Where was his water? Why was his son so slow in bringing it to him? Didn’t he realize how painful it was for his father to cough after his surgery? Yaakov could hear his son’s voice. He was […]
Day 28 – Misconstrued
Positive Word Power Dov didn’t know what had hit him. He was having what seemed to be a normal conversation with his wife, Leah, when all of a sudden she became furious at him. Her eyes filled with tears and she stalked out of the room saying, “If that’s what you think of me, I […]
Day 27 – And The Winner Is…
Positive Word Power You think you got a bargain? You should see what I got,” said the woman to her friend. “The same exact paper towels as yours, for half the price!” “You got a 98 on the spelling test?” the girl asked her classmate. “Well, guess what. I got 100 plus 5 extra credit […]