Summary of Parshas Nasso

This week’s portion, Nasso, is the longest parsha in the Torah. It describes and assigns the care- taking jobs that the Levites were to perform to serve the Creator in the Mishkan (Tabernacle).  The Torah then commands that people who are afflicted with certain spiritual impurities are to be removed from the Jewish camp to preserve the sanctity of the Mishkan, and the Jewish people.

Additionally, the parsha explains the laws of the Sotah - the accused adulteress who was found secluded with another man- and the Nazirite- one who commits to an ascetic lifestyle for a specific amount of time to elevate himself spiritually.

The portion concludes by detailing the "Chanukas Hamishkan" - the dedication of the Tabernacle. Each nassi - head of a tribe (twelve in all) - brought an offering on a designated day.  Even though all twelve brought exactly the same offering, the Torah details the contents of each nassi’s offering separately, to express the Creator’s satisfaction with each and every one of their offerings.