Summary of Parshas Pekudei

Parshat Pekudei begins with an accounting of the gold, silver and copper that the people contributed to the Mishkan. The Torah details the making of the bigdei kehuna - the priestly vestments worn by the kohanim while serving in the Mishkan. After all the vessels and garments are completed, G-d tells Moshe where to place each item in the Mishkan. Moshe sets up the Mishkan, and G-d's glory rests upon it.

The Book of Exodus is completed this week. It chronicles the formation of the Jewish Nation from our enslavement in Egypt to the miraculous redemption when we became G-d's chosen nation. We receive the Torah - documenting our personal and national missions - at Mt. Sinai, and build the Mishkan, a resting place for    G-d's glory in the midst of the Jewish nation.

We read from an additional Torah scroll this week, the opening paragraphs of Parshat Ki Sisa (Parshat Shekalim). It discusses the commandment for all Israelites to give a one-half shekel coin each year on the first of Nissan for the daily maintenance of the Temple. During the Temple era, public proclamations were made on the first day of the month of Adar, a month in advance, to remind the people to contribute. We read this portion the Shabbat before the month of Adar begins, as a reminder of this announcement.