Summary of Parshas Teruma

Parshat Terumah discusses the construction of the mishkan, a "traveling Temple" in which the Divine Presence rested during the Jews' travels in the desert and until the Temple was built in Jerusalem.

G-d narrates to Moshe the exact measurements of the construction components and the holy vessels, along with a list of materials to be used. The items constructed include: the ark (that housed the tablets containing the Ten Commandments); the cherubim (two figures with child-like facial expressions that  faced each other on top of the ark); the shulchan (the holy table that held the lechem hapanim, or showbread); the menorah (the candelabra, which was fashioned out of one large piece of gold); and the structure of the mishkan itself, described with blueprint accuracy, from its sturdy outer wall to its splendidly woven and embroidered curtains.

The final section of this week's Torah portion relates to the measurements of the copper altar and the mishkan's outer courtyard.

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