Summary of Parshas Mishpatim

Parshat Mishpatim, which begins right after G-d's revelation to the Jewish People at Mt. Sinai, deals primarily with civil law.  Many different laws are mentioned.  Among them: laws relating to the indentured Jewish servant; to the damage of personal property (how much one is responsible to pay); to the liability of borrowers and watchmen (for what damage one is responsible to pay); and a list of instructions on the way that true justice is dispensed.  The portion also discusses Shabbat and Shemitah (the Sabbatical year), and contains a short discussion on the three festivals - Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot.

The narrative returns to Mt. Sinai.  The Jewish People declare that they are committed to G-d and assert that they will do whatever He asks of them. The portion concludes with Moses ascending Mt. Sinai, where he remains forty days and nights to receive the remainder of the Torah.