Summary of Parshas Yisro

This week’s Torah portion begins with Moshe’s father-in-law, Yisro (whose name is the title of the parsha), coming to join the Jewish People in the desert. Hearing about the great miracles G-d performed for the Jews on their way out of Egypt had spurred him to leave his comfortable life in Midian and join the Jewish nation.

In the Jewish camp, Yisro observes Moshe serving as the sole judge of the entire nation, working without respite from dawn to dusk. Yisro suggests a tiered judicial system, with different levels of judges addressing different levels of questions and disputes; only the most difficult questions would be brought to Moshe. Moshe accepts the plan and implements it.

The Jews travel onward to reach Mt. Sinai. After spending three days preparing for the greatest moment in history – the rendezvous between G-d and Man – the time of the revelation arrives. G-d descends upon the mountain amidst thunder and lightning and the sound of the shofar and proclaims the Ten Commandments. Moshe then ascends the mountain to receive the remainder of the Written Torah and the entire Oral Law.